TRP FAQ - Why do I have to spend my TRPs only on music tour fees?


Some fundraising activities have strict requirements for what the funds can be used for.  For example, if CAMPA applies for a Class B Bingo Charitable Gaming Event Lottery License so that we can participate in fundraising bingos, that license requires CAMPA to comply with the “accepted use of proceeds” which are governed under The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997 and The Gaming Regulations, 2002 and outlined in detail in the Charitable Gaming Licensing Manual from the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA).  For CAMPA, funds earned via fundraising bingos must be applied to specific expenses, which are transportation, meal, and accommodation costs of music program travel.  Since some fundraising activities have such strict rules, we determined that the TRP program in its entirety be applied under these same rules.