Campbell Intermediate Music Tour 2020

The Campbell Intermediate Music Ensembles will be traveling to Winnipeg, Manitoba to perform at festivals, participate in workshops, and perform at public venues. Because the Campbell Music Program is performance-based, the music tours are an integral curricular component of the program, and provide extended performance opportunities. All members of the Grade 10 Band, Intermediate Voices, Jazz Band 2, and Vocal Jazz 2 are included as part of “the team” on this excursion.  This will be a valuable and rewarding experience for all involved!


Thursday, March 19 - Saturday, March 21, 2020


Attend a Live Dinner Theatre Music Performance

Clinics with internationally recognized choral and band clinicians at the University of Brandon

Performances at local schools and public venues in Winnipeg including Daniel McIntyre Collegiate

Guided Tour of the esteemed Canadian Museum for Human Rights


We are planning to travel by Moose Mountain Bus Lines coaches to Winnipeg.


We will be staying at a local hotel in Winnipeg.


The hotel will provide breakfast. Hot and cold items are available. Group suppers will be included in the overall cost. 

Students will be responsible for all lunches and snacks while en-route to and from Winnipeg on the buses.


In order to provide this opportunity and keep costs down for individual students, it is important that every member of the Campbell Music Family support the CAMPA group and individual fundraisers in some way.  Please check for group fundraising events posted on the CAMPA website:  Working at CAMPA bingos is a great individual fundraiser - please contact the CAMPA Bingo Coordinator, Maureen Pennington, at if you are interested in earning funds to offset your personal tour fees. Each person working a CAMPA bingo earns 50 trip reward points, which equates to $50. For example, if you have 4 people working one bingo for you, you can earn $200 toward your tour fees in one bingo evening!  If you currently have funds in your family’s account, you will have received a statement during late August 2018.  All bingos are held at Centennial Bingo (2311 2nd Avenue) and the upcoming bingo dates are listed below.  Additional dates will become available throughout the year and are posted at


    Please ensure that you complete the information regarding all medical/dietary information in full on the Tour Permission Form.


    Regina Public Schools (RPS) has a zero-tolerance policy for the use of alcohol or drugs. RPS policies, including policies on Discipline, Smoking, Drugs/Alcohol/Substance Use, and Suspensions/Expulsions, apply on all music tours. Expectations of conduct while on tour include: no possession or use of alcohol or drugs, no smoking or vaping, no changing hotel rooms or entering rooms of another gender, no leaving rooms after room checks, no sightseeing in groups of less than 2, no missing group meetings, and no cell phones or other electronic devices used/visible during performances.  Any student found in breach of the expectations of conduct may be sent home at their parent/guardian’s expense. The use of alcohol or drugs and/or inappropriate student conduct will result in suspension from school.


    A detailed itinerary will be provided to students prior to the trip.  This itinerary will include specific information about the activities and performances planned for each day plus contact information for the parents.  Specific information regarding what to bring, and behavioural expectations will also be outlined at that time. Students will be expected to follow their itinerary very carefully!


    The total cost for this trip including accommodation, sightseeing activities, breakfast, and group suppers is $275/student after the CAMPA subsidy.  Note that CAMPA is providing a substantial subsidy to lower the tour fees for all participating students.


    To make the accounting process more manageable for CAMPA and to ensure that tour expenses are paid to our suppliers on time, CAMPA is requesting online payments on the dates noted below.  If you are unable to make online payments, please provide cash, or a cheque made out to CAMPA, to music teachers.

    Important Please Note:  When paying online, please submit the hard copy of the attached permission form to the Campbell Music Office by Friday, November 8, 2019.

    Payment Schedule: Online Payments can be made at

     Permission Form & Non-Refundable Deposit: Due November 8, 2019 $100
    Online Payment #2 - Due February 7, 2020 $175
    Total $275